70% of transformations fail

This failure rate has remained stubbornly high for decades*.  Why? 

Executives need a different playbook because transformations are a different sport. Without a firm and understandable framework, every executive and team will struggle to lead a program across the finish line. 

 Siven Group's mission is to build proficiency within high-performing organizations to confidently start, lead, and finish transformations that matter.

 We believe that transformations are not magic: proficiency can be developed and success can become predictable and probable.  When executives have a clear vision of the critical success factors of business transformation, they will be able to apply leadership skills to overcome the unique challenges facing their organization and transformation.

 Siven Group offers professional development engagements that build better transformation executives:

  • Rapid Assessment Workshop

    Identify hot spots and prioritize actions to keep your project on track

    Duration: 2 day workshop

    Participants: 2-6 Project Sponsors

    Location: Client’s Campus

    Outcomes: Heat map, role assessment, tool kit, action items, communication plan

  • Transformation Executive Coaching

    Focused development of transformation-specific skills and mindsets on your schedule

    Duration: 2 day orientation, monthly follow-up

    Participants: 1 Transformation Executive

    Location: Client’s Campus (to start)

    Outcomes: Knowledge, leadership and communication skills, confidence

  • Transformation Program Coaching

    Targeted review of program stage readiness and preview of next phase requirements

    Duration: 4-8 hour session prior to each stage exit

    Participants: 6-8 person core team

    Location: Client’s Campus

    Outcomes: Confidence in program delivery, reduction in delays and missed hand-offs

  • Bespoke Boot Camp

    Custom education sessions to build skills and teams in program hot spots (enterprise architecture, data, change management, etc)

    Duration: 5 - 7 days over four weeks

    Participants: 4-6 Work stream leads and SMEs

    Location: Client’s Campus

    Outcomes: Key work products defined, problem scenario training, program-specific tool building

 Why Siven Group?  We have taken 25+ years of management consulting experience leading large transformations and crafted a curriculum that gives executives skills and frameworks they need when running a transformation.  Siven Group tailors the professional development syllabus to your organization's priorities and situation.  The result is to establish a transformation mindset in your organization.


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