Transformation Coaching Services

Invest in your people.

Siven Group offers coaching and education services specifically for Transformation teams and executives. We transfer skills and knowledge while building leadership and teamwork proficiencies. You develop your team for the long term while avoiding costly program delays and missteps right now. win-win-win

Skills transfer…

  • Applicable to significant transformations, regardless of software choices

  • Focused on your project and your team, not on our software or consultants

  • Conforms to your project timeline, strengths, and priorities

  • Builds human capital: skills, leadership, communication, conflict resolution

customized for your company…

  • Program roles, sourcing, and qualifications

  • Partner contracting

  • Enterprise architecture

  • Organizational change management

  • Data transformation

  • Product/portfolio integration

  • Team development

  • Stakeholder communications

across a broad range of products and methodologies.

  • ERP and Finance: SAP, Oracle, NetSuite, Microsoft, Workday, Infor, Sage

  • CRM: Salesforce, SAP, Oracle, NetSuite

  • Specialized Monetization: Logisense, GoTransverse, Zuora, Aria

  • Agile / Scrum / Kanban AND Stage-gate

  • Tiger Teams AND Specialist

Rapid Assessment

Over the course of a two-day workshop, we’ll lead your team in developing a clear picture of where your project stands and what it will take to get to ‘done.’

 After the Rapid Assessment, your team will have a common understanding of:

  • The roles needed on the team over the course of the program; the ideal candidate profiles; and the degree to which those roles are sufficiently fulfilled internally and externally.

  • What you should be asking your external partners to deliver. 

  • Where your implementation contract is ambiguous, and how your understanding of the terms may differ from your partners’.

  • What questions you should start asking your team to recognize potential pitfalls.

  • How executive leaders can help their people understand their role in the project.

  • How your team can build an empirical measuring stick for progress against plan.

  • How every level of the organization is actively involved in planning and executing the steps necessary to adopt new ways of working.

  • Signs of weakness in your project, and what concrete steps can be taken to course-correct without starting over.

 Your team will leave with:

  1. A tool kit of the critical elements needed to start, lead, and finish transformations that matter.  These disciplines are taught interactively, and we provide the curriculum materials to repurpose for your communications with stakeholders, team members, and consultants

  2. A comprehensive heatmap illustrating strengths and weaknesses of your program.  This heatmap is built with you in the workshop and annotated with points from your team.

  3. Illumination of hidden dependencies that often trip up transformation programs.

  4. Recommended next steps for program executives: tactical actions captured during the interactive workshop plus recommendations from Siven Group's perspective.  Actions will include asking for more/different contributions from:

    • Consultants

    • Internal Process Owners

    • Technology Owners

    • Program Management

Transformation Executive Coaching

A Transformation Executive will master and be able to educate others on:

  1. What needs to be done to finish transforming people, processes, automation, information, and value cycle management

  2. The disciplines employed by successful transformations - and how those disciplines manifest at each stage of transformation

  3. The imperatives of maintaining existing operational standards while integrating the transformational vision

  4. The working methods and mindsets necessary at each stage of a transformation

  5. The tools and templates that enable tactical and measurable progress

  6. The expectations of all roles in the transformation, including those above the TE, and how to build proficiency in the people performing those roles

  7. How to partner wisely with outside expertise

  8. How to balance the impact of transformational activity across business areas to minimize disruption while maintaining pace

  9. Meeting financial targets of benefits and investment to deliver the expected returns

Using one-to-one executive coaching techniques, Siven Group's Transformation Executive Coaching fills the experience gaps of executives leading transformation.

Leadership requires confidence. 

Business transformations present unique challenges not found in the day-to-day running of operations.  It is extremely rare to find the unicorn executive who has the market/product "street cred" AND transformation program "battle scars".   Siven Group coaches first build alignment on vision for success between CEO and the transformation executive (TE)*.  Siven then works with the TE to clearly identify his or her strengths and needs in transformation leadership.  Through a series of one-to-one targeted sessions and routine touchpoints, the TE will learn and practice skills that round out his or her expertise and provide the confidence to start, lead, and finish the current business transformation and succeed with all that follow. 

Transformation Executive (TE) is a term covering Chief Transformation Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Information Officer, Data Officer, Organizational Change Management Director, or any of the senior leadership roles required to lead a transformation.

Transformation Program Coaching

This is the heart of 'how'.  Mid-flight instruction on what needs to be done and how to do it, when it needs to be done. 

Transformation teams need to think, work, manage, collaborate, and produce differently in each stage of the program.  In Transformation Program Coaching, Siven Group leads the program team through explanations, demonstrations, and experiences to build the mindset, skills, and confidence to perform at the level they need to perform….together. 

Siven Group has compartmentalized an end-to-end transformation curriculum into consumable segments.  Through workshops spaced out along the program lifecycle, Siven delivers customized training needed to complete the current program stage.  The workshops also build the team skills needed to execute the next stage so the program doesn't skip a beat. Participants learn what they need to know just before they need to use it.

 We haven't seen this type of offering anywhere, and we at Siven believe that delivering hard hitting professional development at the right time will dramatically improve the success rate of transformation programs. 

 Why?  There are experts in your business model and your differentiating qualities - that's what your team brings to the party.  There are experts in the new tools, the best practices, and the methods to implement them - typically those are consultants from software companies and systems integration firms.  Each set of experts rely upon the other to deliver the future state.  But does each side know what the other side is expecting of them - and how to do what is expected of themselves?  Unless it has been explicitly communicated and taught to all participants, the chances are very slim that each side will do what is needed in the way it needs to be done.  Siven Group provides that periodic, professional, and targeted training to build the understanding, capability, and cohesion needed on the program team.

Program Team Takeaways:

  1. Exit criteria associated with the current stage with explanations of, and rationale for, quality targets; plus an illumination of implications of accepting lower quality targets

  2. Expert led explanations/discussions of roles and accountability specific to the current stage with leave-behind materials to support communication/education with non-participants. 

  3. A tool kit with templates and tools utilized in the current stage and the next.  For example: key work products associated with process design, job design, change management, data transformation, application development, and value cycle management.  The purpose and usage of the tools is taught and practiced interactively during our workshop, and then we provide you the materials to catalyze productivity in the transformation team. 

  4. A stage-specific heatmap illustrating strengths and weaknesses of the program. 

  5. Next steps to exit the current stage confidently and initiate the next stage.  Agreement on roles and expectations to get to "done".

  6. Recommendations for strengthening trust and team dynamics in the core team, leadership team, sponsors, and stakeholder population.

Bespoke Bootcamp

Typical bootcamp focus areas include:

  1. Organizational change management methods and challenges

  2. Job design and change impact identification and engagement of change agents to ensure adoption

  3. Data transformation, migration, and validation

  4. Program governance and progress measurement

  5. Stakeholder identification, engagement, and management

  6. Conflict resolution among competing priorities or special teams (e.g. AI Innovation, corporate compliance, M&A)

  7. Enterprise architecture design and buy-in

  8. Investment case development and ratification

  9. Test planning and management

  10. Deployment and hypercare (what happens after throwing the switch)

  11. Agile principles in transformation

  12. Opportunities and impact on products and portfolio

  13. Business process design and integration; weighing best practices vs. in-house practices

Siven provides custom three-day learning workshops that address the needs you have without wasting time on fluffy platitudes. 

After a Guided Assessment, or during coaching, you may find that your team has one or more distinct weaknesses that need to be addressed. Siven Group will design a workshop curriculum that matches your need. Bootcamps are about building skills and confidence through hard work and teamwork.  Participants will come out with hands-on experience in delivering what is needed from their roles on the program in the context of what other team members need to deliver to meet the whole company objectives.  Siven Bootcamps include:

  • Experiential learning based on your project… not on hypotheticals

  • Facilitators that come to your site or to off-site facilities that work on your schedule

  • Subject matter experts in transformation working shoulder-to-shoulder in the room to build proficiency where there is weakness today

  • Modular attention on the tough stuff that is unique to business transformations such as data migration, change adoption, program management, and cutover. 

  • Balanced and dynamic use of lecture, demonstration, and games with a purpose.

  • Active usage of templates and tools that can be deployed the day after bootcamp